Creating Your First Web Site, Part 2

In Part 1 you learned some tips about the basics of starting your site and finding a home for it, now comes the time to properly name it and get it optimized for the search engines so that your home on the web is easy to locate.

Domain Name
This is one of the least expensive things about getting online as many hosting companies charge nothing or only a few dollars. But it’s also one of the most important, as yours has to be descriptive and as memorable as possible. For a family web site, simply using your last name or a combination of first and last name is fine. Domain names can also include numbers. The minimum amount of time you can purchase a domain is for one year. But for an eCommerce site [meaning a site where you intend to sell products or services], an appropriate name is essential. only charges $8.88 per year.

Keywords = Power
What will help drive people to your site faster than a cable connection? Keywords! These words and phrases indicate what your site is about and contain more authority than a novice can imagine. Proper keywords will feature terms and words used in the text on your home page. Each subsequent page you create will also have its own set of keywords. If you are selling products or services online, is a fee-based service that enables you to look up the latest information on what people are searching for online. has a fine feature where it will show you just how popular the keywords that you’ve chosen really are. This is updated on a monthly basis, but you can also find the week’s most popular keywords.