NY Doc finds way to get Google ads free

ch engines like Google, Yahoo, Overture, etc.

Shortly after the Net’s release of pay-per-clicks and other paid-for search engine advertising, the New Englander spotted a very simple way to eliminate ALL of his otherwise paid-for advertising expenses at search engines.

But he didn’t bother to tell a single soul!

In fact, he sat back, started a total of 16 separate web businesses, and applied his secret he maintained for all these years.

The result: He’s sold over $300 million worth of 離婚したくない場合の奥の手 products in nearly 8 years and hasn’t spent a single dime on pay-per-clicks or any other form of paid-for ads at any search engine — EVER!

In the past 2 years alone he’s really pressed his secret to the limit as he’s just now spotted several webmasters catching on to “his secret,” and wanting to exhaust it to its maximum output before too many people find out what he and maybe a year others know.

In these most recent 2 years he’s therefore made over $166 million in personal income as a result of this hard-pressing drive to make the most of this secret while he still can.

But just 2 months ago he announced the most shocking thing of all: the release of his new ebook that reveals exactly how he’s been getting free pay-per-clicks at Google and every other search engine that allows paid-for advertising.o